Friday, March 30, 2007

listening & understanding

I never realised "Listening & Understanding" are so important in lives until I sold insurance with Prudential 25years ago.

Prior to joining Prudential, I had been working with various companies selling various consumer products of tangible type. However selling life insurance is different because insurance is an intangible product which can't be seen or touched. It can only be felt with a promise which will be delivered only in near future.

Most insurance agents failed in this career because they sold life insurance as though it was tangible. They sold by quotations and projection as investment plan. They sold to friends and relatives whom they knew, which I considered as non selling. Because these friends bought out of obligation or merely to help and to offer encouragement to the new agents.

On my second year in the business, I found it difficult to sell too, when I was approaching strangers and the natural market. That was the time, I read our Prudential's logo and theme slogan, "Always Listening & Always Understanding" which striked my mind.

The British was never wrong, they were ahead of us in term of power and knowledge. In fact our company, Prudential a British Insurance Company was established more than 150 years ago have had been applying this slogan very meaningfully and successful since then.

From that time onwards, I learn to listen. There is a phrase that said, "Sometimes all a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart to listen". I gradually learnt that Listening is an art not just a manner. When Someone really listens to you, bridges are built, and chasms are crossed. Listening really is a great and wonderful thing in live. Unfortunately, it is also too often forgotten.

The art of listening; Listen to what hasn't been said. Listen without interrupting. Listen with 100% attention. Listen with your ears. Listen with absolute patience. Listen with your hands. More so and important, Listen with your whole heart with joy.

When I mastered the art of listening, I realised I could understand more facts of life. This wisdom is the gate way to reach and touch lives more effectively. "All of us make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give".

Thank you Prudential by showing the way on how to listen and how to understand. You make my life more meaningful and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Robert Foo, well done for having such a good blog! Welcome to blogging. :)

    Luckily I had some little free time to take a look at your blog.

    Btw, you are lucky to realise that listening and understanding is important in this world. However, I'm sad to say that not everyone gets the chance to understand this important concept of living.

    From my point of view, many people "hear" what we say rather than "listen". There is a BIG difference between this two words.

    Mohamed Ihsan
