Thursday, March 29, 2007

Love me now

"Love me now, while I am living.

Do not wait until I am gone.

To have those sweet words chiseled in marble on ice-cold stone.

If you have tender thoughts of me,

Please let me know now.

Not when I am not there".

Beautifully written and hope these few words could inspire all lovers to be courageous in telling to their loved one while they are still around.

Words are meaningful and if they are written and given to the rightful person and more so at the rightful time. Just a few hours ago, I met a depressed and frustrated friend. He was complaining that his business is bad and customers are not paying him on time. While we were having a cup of coffee, a sms message was received over his mobile phone. While reading the text, he was giggling, smiling and laughing with joy. All his depression and frustration disappeared.

I was amused and asked him what had happened. He showed me the message. It was written as: "My dear, I LoveU, I NeedU, I MissU and I want to LickU!"

Wow! I cannot imagine those simple words of love could change a person's mood so fast. Now I learn and know, I too have to be brave in showing my affection to those I love most in my life. Would you?

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