Monday, March 26, 2007

Meaning of Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind. The dictionary definition is " feelings of joy and pleasure mingled together". A feeling of happiness is more than just an experience of joy. It is a state of mind where the individual feels that "life is good".

Many people thought that happiness is difficult to get and acquire. They seek for possession and chase after dreams. If they don't obtain and gain whatever they seek, frustration and sadness would appear. Since happiness is only the feeling of mind, why don't we feel to be happy rather than to be sorrowful.

We can think and feel the happy moment of our childhood days. Those were the days when we were so innocent and yet so happy.

For the present, we should be happy because we are still alive and healthy. You are now able to read my words of wisdom to learn and understand life better. Think and you should be happier.

The future would be even brighter because you are going to enlighten yourself to be always happy.

The choice is ours. We could think and feel to be happy or to be sad. If we can, then we should always think the option to be happy. A happy heart sees the world more beautifully.

1 comment:

  1. hi robert as usual, you are as philosophical as ever without losing yr sense of humour. We ve known each other for more than a decade and you are still the same joker that I know.
    Congrates on yr blog.
