Friday, March 23, 2007


Money money,
Money can makes the world goes round.
Too much money can also turn our senses upside down.
Money isn't money if isn't utilize.
Money spend can contribute to economical growth.
More so, if it is spend to save a life.
Too much money can be evil.
Too little money can be sorrowful.
Just have enough and would do.
Money makes us happy.
Too much money makes us crazy.
No money makes us sad.
Too much money makes us lack.
Little money makes us humble.
Too much money makes us crumble.
Money is important,
But money isn't the least important.
Money brings us hope,
But money also brings us droop.
Be happy with what we have and,
Be happy with what we don't have.
Money would make the world,
But money would also create your dreamworld!

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