Friday, April 13, 2007

Little money could be valuable

Money isn't money until you see and touch it yourself. This is one true story I would like to share with my readers.

20 years ago, I sold an endowment plan to a lady house keeper. She was 36 years old then, married with only one son. I remembered, when I was explaining the option and benefits of that plan at that time, the husband was not friendly and kept his distance from me. Those days, most life insurance plans were simple to cater to the undemanding consumers. The plan was for a cover of only RM20,000 with a yearly premium of RM1100 and maturing in the year 2007 April.

The lady was a simple person who was too happy to sign up for this plan. However the husband was very sceptical. He complained the premium was too high, the cover was too low and the 20 years was crazy, for it is too long the period to wait. She might not even be there to enjoy the cash at age 56. What more at that time on maturing, the money would be too small due to inflation. He commented as thought he was like an expert in economic.

Luckily the wife was positive and she knew what she wanted, signed our proposal later without the husband aware of it. During these 20 years, we developed a very cordial relationship. From client, we turned to be good and understanding friends.

Yesterday, exactly 20 years, without fail I took her full maturing payment to her home. She could not believe her eyes. The amount was written Ringgit Malaysia Forty Thousand Two Hundred only under her name. She is alive and I had promised that I would deliver no matter what happen! Her tears could be seen with emotion. She could not believe that time had passed by so rapidly.

I asked her, "Madam Tee, why are you crying?" You know what! She replied, "I should have taken your advise then. I regretted for taking less."

My conviction, no person in this world could say I don't need little money. When you are rich, you are blessed to have more, but when you are poor, the little money could be valuable as well.

"Even with a small bank account, the one who is contented finds himself with great wealth too."

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