Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Longer working hours for productivities

Headline for today; Longer Hours, Government to be open from 7.30am to 5.30pm.

Public Service Department corporate communications unit chief Hasniah Rashid said the decision to implement the system nationwide was taken after it was found that staggered working hours had contributed to higher productivity among civil servants.

"Civil servants found that they were able to make better use of their time. We also found that longer opening hours for our offices benefited our clients and helped improve the public delivery system," she said.

Is truly a wonderful piece of good news to our nation. I am glad that our civil servants have changed their working attitude from negative to positive currently. Any extra working hours given would definitely benefit the productivity of our country. Another Malaysian Boleh!

Specially for our Malaysian readers:

"If we desire to move forward in life towards fulfillment, we should not, at any time complain about the obstacles.

To complain of difficulties is to betray weakness and lack of faith. Every obstacle is a golden opportunity for further progress.

Those who transfer obstacles into opportunities are true leaders. They make dreams come true. Like us, Malaysian!"

1 comment:

  1. It's really wonderful to here the news!
    In fact, they should practice it much earlier. But anyhow, it's better to be late than never!

    At least now it's fairer to us b'coz we get what we paid for!

    Jenny Lee
