Thursday, April 05, 2007

Men afraid to marry 'cleverer" women

Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun took a swipe at Malaysian men who preferred to marry foreigners.

The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry parliamentary secretary said many Malaysian men were marrying foreign, especially mail order brides, because local women were getting more knowledgeable than them.

She dared the men to either be brave enough to marry women who were more knowledgeable than them or become better educated.

"The problem will not be solved if the men are not brave enough to marry women who are more knowledgeable than them." said in reply to a question by Datuk Baharum Mohamed.

Chew denied that Malaysian men married foreign wives because Malaysian women did not want to get married.

"A lot of women in their 30s are not married because they can't find a man who can fulfill their needs and fits their criteria," she said.

To a question by Fong Po Kuan, Chew said the ministry was aware of agents supplying foreign women especially from China and Russia as mail order brides.

News from the Star.

See! What I said was true: "Men can't live without women but women can live without men", posted in March for further reading.

Just today, I had a casual chat with Bong, a fellow Prudential colleagues, when we talked about this hidden issue among men and women. To prove my claim, I told him about these facts of life how men need women till the day we died. As brothers and sisters, we need the tender love of our mother to care for us when we were young. When the brothers as men grew older and be dying, they preferred female nurses to care and clean for them rather than a male nurse to do it. Right? The sisters who are females could also get sick when they are older. Women would always insist another female to attend and care for them. They would definitely be ashamed and uncomfortable to be cleaned by another man. Logically shows that men need women but women might not need man.

Can't blame the men because when the first Man on earth, Adam who could not live without woman, what makes us men today can. Also by creation, as Eve was a woman who was braver and more curious in instinctive nature ate the forbidden fruit first.

Women would always be braver, stronger and smarter, especially if they are given the opportunity to gain knowledge from the present world. Gentlemen, I am sorry! Man had slackened a lot through the course of time unless we bug up. But ladies, don't be too smart either because without men, the world would be less colourless to you as well. Read my previous title under "Man & Woman Need Each Other" posted in March and you might agree.

Anyway whatever happen, let's all be happy for "Happiness is an inner state of well being. A state of well being enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual value in your life."


  1. Hi, I do not claim myself as a succeesful career women, I am just live to work ;) but I disagree what you have mentioned in your blog 'ladies, don't be too smart '

    It is not about women are smarter, cleaver nor knowledgeable than men but instead men are lag behind these days.

    Women these days are flighting for 'gender equality' and this is why '50 MOST POWERFUL WOMEN CEO IN BUSINESS' reported on FORTUNE magazine .. cheers

  2. I am a woman so I seriously don't mind a smarter man as my partner. It is good to have a partner you can look up to in life. Nevertheless, man must earn the respect from woman.

    If I am a man, I will definitely want a clever wife so that she can pass the good gene down to my kids. Some men prefer foreign wife these day not because they like less clever women. Rather, their preference is for less educated and less affluent pretty young thing who are willing to marry a stranger hoping for a better life.
    Mind you, these foreign wives all come with a price tags, the prettier they are, the higher their price are. Think it is such disgrace to compare us with women with a price tag. Anyway, I don't blame these men for their foreign choice as they hardly stand a chance locally.
