Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My hobby selling life insurance

I have been selling life insurance since 1982. It could be my destiny that I am blessed to take up this career for I love to reach and touch lives.

Most of my fellow colleagues failed in this business mainly because they sold for the sake of selling. They had never understood the objectives of being a true life insurance agent.
Of course, all of us started the career with the intention of earning good money to fulfill our needs and dreams. At the beginning, all of us had to work extremely hard, to learn, to re-learn and to unlearn. The sacrifices and the effort we had to put out were beyond imagination. There would be no day and night, no weekend off and no public holiday and even no time for family at times.

We cannot be selling like the above way of life for too long. You would get tired at the end of it. The ideal way is to live by a well balanced or rounded life. Have time with families, have time with societies, have time with yourself and also have time with God as well.

To master the art of selling, we need to acquire knowledge and selling skills. These take time and effort again. Many could have learned the trick of the trade but yet get bored along the way. Reason, they had been selling or working too long in the business and got tired out of it.

There is a saying, "work is a chore whereas a hobby is fun." Another that said, "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy." So unless you know how to convert your work as a hobby, you would not be able to stay long in this career.

I have been fortunate with my career because I do enjoy myself with it. I love to talk as talking is my interest. I love talking to the young and old or to the poor and the rich. My talk and sharing are sincere and full of enthusiasm. All my listeners enjoyed my talks and sharing. I was actually having fun and not work as many thought I was.

I love to reach and to meet people and to share my knowledge and wisdom of life. Most people don't because most people are selfish. They thought by sharing, they are going to lose more by giving. They only give when they know they are going to gain. Is a very sad thing in life to think that way. They are not aware that,"The more you give, the more you should be receiving".
I hope my words would change those, who are reading these contents.

I could stay in this business for this long, when most would have called it a day; is because I love selling so much that it had never in my mind that I wanted to quit. Unless my company, Prudential do not need me any more or if I am called upon by God to be with him. I sell with compassion and joy. I sell with fun and laughter. I sell with hope and inspiration. I am having a marvellous time which I could go on endlessly. Selling insurance is really a hobby and interest to me. Please don't ask me to quit!

Words spoken by Mother Theresa; "We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." You are right, Mother, I am not a scholar, neither am I a great statesman. But I have true love like you and I strongly believe I can do small things to save more lives.
I sincerely hope my words could enlighten many of my fellow colleagues to understand the concept of selling life insurance and be successful in this career.


  1. Wish my agents are half as passionate about the job as you do. To them, it is all about money. Talk? Yeah, they will talk when they want to sell you something. I have 4 policies from 2 different agents. I have not heard from them since I signed the policies. Too many bad agents around. Can't blame me for running as soon as an insurance agent come near me.

  2. I've known you for almost twenty years and I really admire your talent!

    Not only you can talk well and a good listener but you are also a good writer!

    I am glad to have chosen you as my friend and an insurance agent.
    By expressing my thankfulness to you by words are not enough. Yesterday I have given you a big HUG and I hope you can feel it.
