Friday, June 29, 2007

Creative selling

One of my closed colleague, a lady insurance agent is back selling. She has been in insurance for almost 7 years but the last two years were the difficult one. Most agents when they are distracted, would loose interest in selling. I am glad she sms me to say she is sowing at the moment. Sowing means prospecting.

Like farming, before you can harvest, farmers have to sow their land first. Similarly before agents who can gather their sales, they need to prospect and create new approaches. I advise her, sowing isn't enough because every agent in town would also be doing the same manner. Don't forget we have more than 100,000 agents selling at the same times, making selling insurance as a very competitive career. Unless she does things that others don't.

Selling insurance has to be creative. Hard work is good but would be better if you could master the art of selling. The Art of Selling is to sell but yet you don't sell. You are selling but your clients won't feel that you are selling to them. They buy because they need your products and not because you ask them to buy. It sounds funny but with a bit of time and understanding, selling becomes a hobby or an art.

To be a successful insurance agent, she has to know her job at 100%. She should know all her products, company profiles, laws and regulations, personal and business insurances, claims procedures, underwriting and etc. But on selling, she needs only to apply 10% of what she knows. The 90% of success depends on how much she understands the art of selling and the facts of life to people she encounters. Most agents who fail in this business is because they apply 90% of what they know on insurances and practise 10% of selling and not understanding the true facts of life.

I sincerely hope this lady associate and those who are not doing well currently could change their styles of selling. We sell hopes and promises. Not just insurance products.

Specially for my fellow colleagues; "Succeed in believing that you will not fail. Use diligence and determination to set your sail."

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