Monday, April 14, 2008

Life is like a growing tree.

This is my second posting on this title which has a lot to tell about life. My earlier posting was June 03 2007. I am sure, many of my readers have not read it yet.

Life is like a growing tree. The deeper its root, the stronger it will remain. Most Malaysian trees are not deeply rooted because we have plenty of rainfall to cater its water retention. They look green and elegant from the outside but if a huge storm arises, these trees would also be rooted quite easily. Not like countries where rainfall is scarce, their trees grow deeper and wider. Their leaves may not be as green as ours but they can withstand even a hurricane storm.

Growing up is like a growing tree. Our youths of today are given too much of pampering. They have not seen the suffering of the yesteryear. They have not eaten the bitter taste nor they have gone through any hardship. Comfort and luxuries are always available right at their doors. Parents would be too happy to chauffeur them in and out. Perhaps they don't even need to think when their minds are so dependable on their computers and games. They would never have a chance to grow deeper to understand the real truth of living and surviving. Their lives are not rooted. Consequently at the later part of their lives, if they face the uncertainties and the unknowns, they shall be torn apart easily.

Too much water for a growing tree is bad. Similarly too much love and affection for the growing children is treacherous. For these are the facts of life you can't escape.

A poem I like to share; "The realization of Happiness happens only after experience of pain. If we desire to blossom like flower in the garden of life, then we must learn the art of adjusting our life with the Thorns!"


  1. wonderful article....

    I'm quite impressed and want to thank you a ton for this article...

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  2. Hi Young Man!
    I would like to share the following:-
    In China during the olden days, the wise men liked to compare the women with a tree.
    The Roots - refer to the 8 virtues of women where they can withstand
    the ups & downs in life.
    The Branches & Leaves - refer to the protections for the family contributed by women (duties as a householder).
    The Flowers - women groomed her family with love,respect,comforts, joy & happiness and noble
    The Fruits - One of the duties of women was to be able to bear children to carry on the family's surname.
    But unfortunately, nowadays it is very rare to find such a wholesome women.
    From Young Kat

  3. Hi Young Kat...

    Very meaningful wisdom given here. The one who wrote this comment, I believe is also a wholesome woman. Thanks so much for the contribution.

  4. very wise, and i agree with much of what you said. today i saw a beautiful tree and it got me thinking; life is a tree, the roots is our subconscious; hidden from view but they are the true virtue of who we are. The trunk of the tree is our past and present life; it is there for everyone to see,there might be some scars, but only to show we have adapted and grown past them. The branches is our future; so many paths before us, some bigger and so small but eventually they all lead us to the end. You must ask yourself, when you reach the end, will you be on top of the tree soaking up all the sun has to offer, looking back on the long beautiful life you have lived. Or will you be towards the bottom of the tree, taking the shortest and most unfulfilling path that was laid before you?

  5. Hi 31 January,

    You are truly another wiser person. Thank you for sharing your thought. Too good not to be shared. I had reposted this title and your beautiful comment on tomorrow post.

  6. I shared this link/post to my 4 children to read and inculcate in their hearts the value of life. I've decided to prepare them NOW than be sorry later on.

    But that's easier said than done. Most children nowadays are so distracted with social media, games and internet. During our time, we had to cut newspaper classified jobs, lift that 50-kilo typewritter :) to compose a resume, fall in line to the post office and call via analog phone just to set up a job interview, go to the library to do research, carry 5 to 10 books to school ... everything was so uncomfortable, if not difficult. But that's how it was back then and we survived. A tough challenge for the old-timers like us. NO regrets, though.

    My Son, I know you are having a rough time ... that is LIFE ... always full of CHALLENGES. If you happen to read this, I Love You!


    - Daddy

  7. Hi Francis,

    Thank you for reading my post.

  8. Hi Mary,

    Thank you for reading my post.

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