Sunday, July 08, 2007

Are we losing virginity earlier?

I was reading these information when I had some doubts. Quoted in the recent news, people in Asian countries lose their virginity at a much older age than those in the West, according to a worldwide study of sexual behaviour and contraceptive use.

On average, age for first having sex was 19.25, according to the study "The Global Face of Sex", compiled by Durex Network, the social marketing arm of SSL International, which manufactures Durex condoms.

Malaysians were the oldest to lost their virginity at 23.0 years old, followed by Indians (22.9), Singaporeans (22.8), Chinese (22.1), Thais (20.5), Hong Kongers (20.2), Nigerians (19.7) and Japanese (19.4).

Austrians were the first to lose their virginity at 17.3 years old, followed by Brazilians (17.4), Germans (17.6), New Zealanders (17.8), Australians (17.9) and Americans (18.0).

But despite waiting longer, Malaysians came top among those who said they were the most ready for sex (41.5%), followed by the Dutch, Greeks, Americans and Australians.

My personal doubts are; Are the Malaysian ourselves truthful or be brave to admit? Had they selected the right candidates for such sensitive survey?

Were they aware that we have young teenagers, as young as 14, still in their junior secondary schools, already playing a game of sex. Among the boys, they wound take challenges to bet who would be the winner of the month. The winner would be the one who could have sex with the most number of sex partners. To them, their games are fun, entertainment, ego and rewards. I wonder, whether Durex Network had included these young winners in their international survey. If not, perhaps they had deprived our Malaysians as being the actual true winner then.

My observation, "In words we say we don't like sex but in heart we love sex so much!"


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