Monday, July 30, 2007

Bringing up a child.

Grace has been my client, since she started working as a young clerk 15 years ago. She was brought up by a firm and strong up bringing to make her a capable and independent woman. Not only she is efficient to assist her husband business, she still has time to take care of her son. According to her, most children are neglected by the present busy parents of today. Not Grace, cause she wants to make sure that her son of five, to be properly cared and groomed for the future.

Everyday without fail, she makes it a point to send her son to the nearby kinder garden. The time spend while fetching the boy, allows her to talk and understand with him. At times she might be busy in her office, she won't allow the son to be picked up by anyone except her. The way she explained, relates that she certainly enjoyed every moment with her son. I felt so guilty that I didn't do it when I was given those opportunity 30 years ago. However, Grace encouraged me that I should take my grand children as a next alternatives. Grace, I will try and thank you for reminding.

Although Grace is still relatively a young mother, she knows how to teach and guide the boy. She does not allow the present environment to suppress his child growing. Rather to let her boy idle unnecessary to play with Lego or Games Boy at home, she toughened her child to the natural surrounding. She claimed as a girl, she could climb trees and swim often. Whenever possible, she now sent her son to Jadak Baik for children camping. Or just going to their relative villages, to experience the climbing of trees, catching spiders and wandering into mother's nature. She always reminded her boy not to listen and trust strangers, when his family isn't around him. In case if he was lost in any shopping malls, he should be brave and seek help from the rightful authorities. At all times, the boy can remember his parents names and telephone numbers. In order to be convinced, Grace had tested her smart young son on such situations, when the mum and dad pretended to be out of sight from him. They were proud to know her boy responded and reacted well without mistakes. These are the effort and results of proper mothering.

Grave, I am so happy to have listened to your stories. I am sure your family would be well taken care, as long as you are the mother and wife to them. Soon you will be having another child as you are now pregnant, I wish you good luck and be always happy in whatever you intend to do.

Meaningful quote; "To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance." spoken by Siddhartha Gautama

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