Wednesday, July 25, 2007

We look better when in love.

Love has its miracle magic. We have to see to believe. Man who is in love has better enthusiasm in life than another man who hasn't. The lady who loves him, energizes his entire self. Beyond his imagination, his performance and spirit work wander. Everyday is a marvellous day to him. The ticklish thought of her love moves him further. He smiles every moment of his day. His eyes would be bright and his look is too willing to comprehend with everyone he encounters.

The woman who is in love, is equally charming and attractive. Her face always looks sweeter and her skin is smoother and shining. Her eyes are not dull but rather full of energy. She is more sexier and more tempting in personality. She has more drive in life and her character is more natural. Those who meet up with her, could feel her friendliness and warm. She walks tall with elegant. Her firmer bosoms offer her the feminine confident that all eyes would envy.

In Chinese we have the Ying & Yang when the man meets the woman. The combination of these two energies create a powerful strength which can benefit the couple who is truly in love. By the Ying itself or the Yang alone, they are weaker and less active in lives. If you see a man who is not willing to strive in life or a woman who hasn't the sexual desire in appearance, most likely they have no intimate love in them.

Meaning of ABCDEFG, "A boy can do everything for girl." The other opposite meaning of GFEDCBA is, "Girls forgot everything done & catches new boy again."

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