Thursday, July 19, 2007

Wrong attitude in work.

The Malaysian attitude of life and at work are alarming. We claimed the slogan of 'Malaysian Boleh!' but most of the time are the reverse way. We tend to take the easy way out of every thing we do. Just recently I called the main office of a prestigious international motor car company for some assistance, regarding my car that I had bought from them. The operator connected me to a young man who so called worked as a support staff. I explained my problem which he could not understand. Instead of taking some initiatives to enquire from his colleagues or his superiors, this man told me the person who in charge wasn't around. He asked for my number and promised to return my call later of the day. Three days had passed and I still have not received any call from this company. It was easy to drop me off but he didn't realise he had caused a very bad image and reputation on his employer.

This is nothing again because it happened in almost all companies that provide customer's support. The next worrisome is those who have the brains and calibre. Instead of putting all their energies into their careers or work, they are finding the next alternatives to make quick money without working physically. I have some friends who are professionals as doctor and engineer are now trading in future market at home. They had lost interest in working. They claimed that the return of income from their jobs were too little to justify their effort. With their new found venture trading in the comfort of their home, they are making much better money.

Even those who are non professionals are also being influenced to take a step further. Look at the amount of direct selling companies which have mushroomed in town. You practically have all types of products, ranging from health food to cyper fund investment. Every distributor or agent is promised the glamour of living and unlimited income. Just bring in a few friends and your future would be secured. As their minds are so gullible, they are prepared to leave a secured paid job for this challenge. It was only quite recently, the Securities Commission had blocked various unlicensed internet sites on cyper fund dealing. I can't imagine how many thousand investors had lost and how many witty agents had made in such unpractical way of working.

The moral of the story, there is no easy way of life if we don't put in our effort. For our nation to grow and be full developed, all of us have to work toward it with the right attitude. We need the young and the experience to work hand in hand.

Interesting Quote from Martin Luther King Jr.,"Life's most urgent question; what are you doing for others?"

1 comment:

  1. Hey! i'm going to cali this sunday.. gonna be there for a week, this is the site i was talking about where i made the extra cash. later!
