Monday, August 20, 2007

On phone, please smile.

Smiling helps us in every way of our life, even in selling. People like to deal with salesperson who is happy. Happiness of the person shows in the smile. If you smile, your face grows with sweetness and at the same times you feel the joy in yourself. When you smile and feel happy, you speak better and more effectively than when you are not. In my early days of selling when I need to speak on telephone with my prospects and clients, I always spoke in front of a mirror which was placed on my working desk. Before each call, I looked in the mirror and smiled. While talking on the phone, I never failed to keep smiling too. It really energized my thoughts and thinking. Until today, when I speak on the phone, I still provide that sweet smile while talking and chatting, for I believe those words will sound better and more acceptable.

If you are a person who needs to communicate on phone, it is high time that you should smile more, even it might not be a true smile. But with more practices, perhaps your smiles could be more natural given time.

Quote of the day, "Anger and frustration can be suppressed with smiles."

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