Friday, August 10, 2007

A sickly client needs motivation.

At this moment, I have a client cum friend who is currently working in Bangkok. He is offered an honourable post in Thailand, immediately after his retirement from the Malaysian Government three years ago. Not married and soft spoken. Few days ago, he emailed to inform me that he has contracted Iympohome cancer at the third stage and would be under chemotherapy soon.

As he is a alone in a foreign country, I know he needs encouragement and motivation at this period of time. The last few days, I wrote a few mails to him which I like to share.

Dated on the 7th August:
Hi Young man,

Sorry to know about your diagnosis. Any way, in life we have to take the good and bad part of whatever come along. If we take them positively, we should appreciate life better. Many survive severe sicknesses, because they believe in faith and the challenges of living. For your information, this was confirmed by recent science that human mind has a chemical, "ENDOGENOUS OPIOIDS" which could heal sicknesses naturally. The strong belief in mind, helps to secrete this chemical to the effected part of our body. Drugs and treatments are available for you but if you do not believe in them, then this natural chemical from your brain would not be released into your immune system.

I am sure you know what is best for you. Most important, yourself must be cheerful in any circumstances. Try more often now...even to yourself alone. Smiling and laughter are the best medicine to yourself.

Dated on the 8th August:
Hi Young man,

No treatment could be effective, if the patient has no faith and believe in them. In those Pre historical day, when there was no doctor and medicine yet, the sick were healed by the faith healers only. They were only given non medical powder or water for treatment. Surprisingly they were cured from various diseases of those days. The logic was, the sick had the fullest belief with their faith healer's power. In doing so, their brains secreted the Endogenous Opioids from their own immune system. This helped to cure themselves without them realising. Today, all medical doctors are advised to be faith healers to their patients. Not just medicines and treatments, but let your patients to have strong confident in their practises.

Coming over to your side...before you accept to be treated by your attending doctors, are you totally confident with them. If you don't, the treatments may not be effective. Believe me...I had seen more patients than most people, except doctors or nurses, cause of my work as an insurance agent. I used to relate this advice to most of my clients and it worked pretty well.

His reply:
Thank you, this is a soothing message. I need more of these.

Words spoken from my associate Derick Lam, "A cheerful disposition is the medicine to our heart, mind and body."

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