Friday, August 24, 2007

Would u dare to say I Love You?

I think the three most difficult words to be spoken are; "I LOVE YOU." We were taught to say them when we were young, we know they are meant to be nice, we want to say them and yet we find them so difficult to express them. It's easier to scold with the four bad letters word but to admit I love you is shameful. Is true! Cause whenever I wished my clients and friends their birthdays, I suggested to them to greet their spouses with the 'I Love You' added when they celebrated the night, not one darn to say them to their respective wives or husbands. They claimed, "Aiyah! too old for such romantic words" were their excuses.

The husband might want to say them and the wife would certainly love hearing these three words. However as Asian, we are the unromantic kind who prefers to keep "I Love You" in the heart and mind. Most of us would rather express our love and concern by action and attention to the one we loved. The words are hidden and we have to guess and sense them ourselves. It looks silly but that is the way we live.

With some understanding of life, today I realised that sound with words are important. As sound travels faster than physical action, it is more logical and practical to say and express my intention to the one I care. If I love my family, my girlfriends, my clients or associates, why wait to tell them. The minute I relate to them that I Love Them, which are so pleasant to hear, I know they will feel good with me. In such a win win situation, don't you think we should say I Love You more. You feel good after you say them, especially to the one you love most now.

The constitution of love code, "If you love someone, show them and say so!"

P/S Would be taking a short break when I won't be posting for a few days. Hopefully I would meet someone who can be so sweet and brave, as to tell me she loves me too. Bye!


  1. Thanks for your encouragement! Only yesterday when I have read your blog, I have the courage to say the 3 simple words "I LOVE YOU" to my best friend whom I've known for more than 20 yrs.

    If he is reading this blog, I would like him to know once more that I could only love him deep deep in my heart. My secret love for him will stay there until the day I die.

  2. Julius..that was a great compliment from you. With so much love you have, I am sure your family is truly a happy one. Keep loving more...
