Saturday, September 29, 2007

The art of listening the phone.

The telephone is a very useful communication tool to deal business. In selling we use it practically all the time to communicate with the people we deal with. Knowing how to talk on phone is important but more so to listen effectively is even greater. Listening with ability allows you to understand your clients. If you take a bit of time to experiment on all your future calls, learn to listen and feel whether your clients are happy or upset when they talk. Their voices and words relate their feeling of their minds. If you could sense they are happy, most likely you would secure your intention of calling him. On the hand, if you know they are unhappy, then you should console them with understanding, rather than pushing them for unnecessary proposal. Or the best to call them again on some other days. If you are even more experience in listening, you will be surprised, talking by standing or sitting has some differences. The tune of voice is lower when you are sitting. Words spoken while relaxing on the bed are not serious. The tune tends to be irregular and softer. Talking in a room or talking in a large working office vibrates different sound. Within a room, the voice is more compact and clearer.

If the next time, you call a prospect who has a compact and clear voice, you know he sits in a room. Most likely he holds a managerial position upward to be entitled for this space. If you hear his voice is lower, you can more or less know he is sitting in his room. If your hearing is perfect, when you could sense he is at tip top mood, plus you do have also a powerful confident voice yourself, securing an appointment with him is definitey there. Should you by chance to hear voice which is irregular and soft, I suggest that you should cut short your call. Because prospect might be sleeping or even making love. You have call the wrong time of the day!

Useful quote, " Before you write, Think! & Before you speak, Listen!"

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