Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Grow with our clients to succeed.

In our life insurance business, isn't how much you know your products to succeed. It is how much you know and to understand our clients that matter most. After selling life insurance for more than 25 years, I have built a substantial amount of clienteles to make my work interesting and exciting. Every year and every day, I will have friends who are happy and some may be sad. I make it a point to see first those who are sorrowful and try to offer advices and assistance if needed. Those who are happy will also like me to turn up and share their wonderful moment.

Like today, I visited a client who just returned from London with his entire family. He is Hanafiah whom I have known since 1994 when he was only 24years young then. At that time, he was an unemployed youngster who was trying to look for a simple job. With a lot of encouragement and motivation given to him, he managed to sit for his investment examination. Later he joined Maybank Security as a remisier. Although his starting was never easy, he never looked back but keep pushing himself forward. The critical test for him was during the 1997 & 1998 period, when the Asian Crisis crippled our financial system. Many of his peers left this trade because practically there was hardly any trading at that time. Not Hanafiah who worked even harder. He stayed and fought the battle alone. Today he is one of his company successful dealer who is most recognised by the corporate world. I am equally proud to be associated with him. I know his entire family, a loving wife called Rasyani, a son, Muhammad and three darling daughters, Khairulnisa, Nuramirah and the last Nurelisya.

Hanafiah, I salute and admire your success. My life career isn't easy but equally I know yours is even tougher and harder to achieve. Today we are not just agent and client's relationship any more. We are considered to be best friends for life. You have built a good amount of client base to succeed your trade and I have also sold myself to the same amount of clients as well. How I wish those who are of similar professions like us, would practise the same manner like us to succeed.

Quote to spur you further, "You have the potential to be anything you want. You are free to choose. You are limited only by fears. Let your dreams take over. Fly with the eagles. Sour into life. The world is waiting for you."