Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happiness is to see our clients grow.

Maniam has been a client/friend for almost 20 years. When I first knew him, he was only running a small little printing shop. Though he didn't complete his high school education, his mind is always very creative and active. As thick friends, we met often when I had giving my ears to him. In business there were always the up and down of working life. When he faced difficulties, I was there to support and when he gathered success, I too was there to share his glory. His first wife passed away when their children were very small due to dengue infection. That was the period when Maniam had to be father and mother to his three little kids. Not forgetting he had also to run his business outside. A good man always be blessed. Few years later, he was introduced to a lady teacher who became his wife, Susi. She was an understanding woman who took the sacrifice to resign her government teaching to become a full time housewife to his family. It was not easy at first, because she had to win over the love from the one daughter and two sons from his first earlier marriage. I did my part to advise and encourage her and children to accept the new mother and kids. From her, Maniam got another two lovely sons. Today, Maniam is a very successful business entrepreneur, having businesses locally and abroad as well. A very respected person within his own communities and industries.

This year, his eldest daughter had graduated to become a qualified medical doctor serving the government hospital now. His second child, a son is also studying medicine. Not only had I sold life insurance to Maniam before and present. Today, I have the privilege to talk to his daughter on life planning, as she is already an adult and professing as doctor. I had seen her grow from a little sweet darling to be what she is now. The parents had educated her well in life and now is my turn to offer my advices on financial planning.

I am proud of my good friend, Maniam's achievement and success. He is certainly a self make person who worked very hard in life to reach this point of pride. Equally I have to admire the lady who had contributed so much of her patience and understanding to support the family. This statement is true, "For every successful man, there is always a lady behind." She is Susi, the great wonderful wife. As their life insurance agent, I stand tall to share their happiness. I had given the best to him, and I promise I will try by level best again to serve his children from now onwards. An agent serving two generations with passion.

Ethel Percy Andrus said, "The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live."

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