Monday, September 10, 2007

How do I sell with my 5 minutes sales?

One of my closed associate asked, "How can you conclude your sales presentations without explaining to your prospects and clients, and yet they are willing to buy in such a short period of time. Not even more than 5 minutes of selling."

I replied him, "My selling could be 5 minutes but it took me 25 years to earn that 5 minutes of selling!" Looking at his face, I knew he might not understand my words. When I first started selling life insurance 25 years ago, I faced the similar problems like all beginners. Not many strangers like seeing me. Even friends were also trying to avoid me, when they knew I were trying to approach them on insurance matters. Can't totally blame them because nobody like being sold in the first place. Moreover most people did not like seeing insurance agents. If ever, I had the opportunity to sell and present my plans, I had to do it many times before some agreed. My presentations were weak and unprofessional. I managed to succeed not by luck but merely on real hard work. Perhaps I had to see 10 prospects before one would buy. I had to face many rejections but luckily I managed to overcome most problems by the learning process and determination.

During these 25 years, I had shown my commitment and dedication. I earned my respect with the words and promises I had given to my clients and their families. My punctuality depicts my responsibility, my honesty relates my creditability and my love to them reflexes my care and concern. I have the perseverance and the patience to understand them. They termed me as successful but yet I am still as humble as before. My kindness and warm touch those beyond their belief. I am competent and knowledgeable on my profession with the confidence shown. At the same time, I added my knowledge with the wisdom of life to make my character more refine and polish.

I no longer are treated as an agent by my clients. They respect me as a true friends, they are happy and proud to listen my words and advices. I don't consider them to be buying my products now. Rather, they are actually taking my sincere advices to effect their needed insurance covers. They don't need to be sold any more because I had already sold my credibility long time back. In real term, my 5 minutes' sales took me more than 25 years to be sold.

My strongest belief in words spoken by Mother Teresa, "It is not how much we do but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give but how much love we put in the giving."

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