Monday, October 08, 2007

Do you want to be a Star Performer?

Last week I was invited to give a talk to my fellow colleagues of another life insurance company. One of the topic I shared was; The 30 attributes of a Star Performer.

There was a consensus done worldwide on 100 international corporations. Each company picked their top 5 Star performers, who gave their working habit and ethic to make them special and different. The following are the 30 attributes gathered from this international consensus.

1.Honesty 2. Competitive 3. Positive Attitude 4. Persistence 5. Patience
6. Hardworking 7. Integrity 8. Humility 9. Sense of Humour 10. Drive
11. Determination 12. Confidence 13. Responsible 14. Motivated 15. Pride
16.Empathy 17. Single-minded 18. Decisive 19. Belief 20. Enthusiasm
21. Common Sense 22. Detail Master 23. Dependable 24. Dedicated 25. Loyalty
26. Organised 27. Goal Oriented 28. Listener 29 Learner 30. Communicator.

Out of the 30 attributes outlined, 25 are purely 'Attitudes'. Four are 'Skills' that are 'Attitudes' related. It is only one is regarded as skill alone. Organised, Goal Oriented, Listener and learner are skill but one still has to have the right attitude to learn. Communicator is a skill that can be learned by itself. The bottom line tells, 'Attitude' is the main factor for a person to do well in anything.

Attitude cannot be learned but it can be cultivated. So if you are not doing well in your work or career, it is high time that you should assess yourself. Do you have the above attributes to make you the Star of your company?

Quote not to be forgotten; "The main reason a person achieves, keeps and performs well in a job is totally dependent on his attitude."


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