Friday, October 05, 2007

Young man don't get marry too early in life, coz...

Wing Nam was only a baby when I first knew his dad. Today he is a twenty three years old university student who will be graduating next year. I had a chance to talk with him on the phone while waiting for his dad to return. Casually I asked him, "Do you have a girl friend now?" Without hesitation, he replied, "Yes! uncle. She is just 3 years younger than me." I went further, "Beside her, do you have any more extra girl friends?" He was puzzled, "Ah! How can?"

Jokingly I said, "Perhaps the extra girls can be your spare girl friends. In case, the present one leaves you, you still have another to standby for you." With surprise he said, "Would that be possible!"

Not to confuse him further, I explained, "Wing Nam, you are still very young at this age. You should not tight down with just one girl friend. At your age, it is advisable to mix and get to know many friends as possible. The ideal age for a man to get marry is after 30, when he is more mature. When you are at 30, you will have a chance to select a range of 10 years difference in age below, for seeking your ideal girl. At 23 now, sorry to say you have only 3 years different range, right until girl's age of 20. Just imagine, if you have a different of 10 years range, you have a wider selection. Logical to you?"

I continued, "If you get marry young, you would have an old looking wife later in life, because women aged faster than men. If you do take my advice and get marry late in life or to marry a girl who is younger than you by 10 years, you rest assure you will have a wife always young to you for the rest of your life."

I did not know whether Wing Nam took my words. It is a fact of life that women mature faster than men of the same age. Whether he takes my advices or not, it is fate that decide the future of a person. Moreover love is blind.

Mother Theresa said, "Life is an adventure, dare it!"


  1. Hi Robert,
    I agree with your wisdom. One has to remember at a young age it is just physical love and not True love. Once the physical love is over where do you go from there.

  2. Hi Iblee,
    Thanks for reading my blog and offering an intelligent comment. Most readers read but afraid to comment. Not you...thats good of u! If you read more on my romance articles, u will understand love deeper. Please read, "Not just a wife but a best friend & lover too." posted on 26 July 07. I think you would see something different in life after that.

  3. Hi Robert,

    Nice to read your articles. But in this i would like to say some words here:-

    "If you get marry young, you would have an old looking wife later in life, because women aged faster than men. If you do take my advice and get marry late in life or to marry a girl who is younger than you by 10 years, you rest assure you will have a wife always young to you for the rest of your life."



  4. hi my dear deepa,

    Love is blind. Try meeting a man who is 10yrs your senior and u will see the different of another who is much younger. The man who has this thought need not necessary relate to you, unless you have the sense to see throught. If you could see his mind, I think you are smarter and more mature than him then. Perhaps he is not suitable for you after all. Not forgetting the world is created with selfishness and is difficult to avoid...including you and me. I hope my answer is favourable to your intelligent question. Thanks again.

  5. Hi Robert,
    Today, being a Sunday,i was having a lot of spare time in Jakarta. For the first time i spotted your blog when reading through your "forwarded" email. I am quite impressed man that you have taken the effort to create your blog and written some interesting articles of importance in life - love, caring, giving, positive thinking etc.etc. What i like is the flow of the language which is very simple and straightforward but effectively carrying the underlying meaning to impress on the reader's mind. Keep up the good work. If i ever get bored or have some spare time, i will got into your blog to refresh my mind and charge it with some wisdom and positive thoughts.

  6. Hi Dato,

    I am glad you sited my blog, read and commented on it. What i wrote today were all taught by you and friends. Is high time that I should give it back to those who might need them now. Don't you think so?

  7. I was just looking through your romance section and as I stumbled upon this...I have to say I greatly disagree. I don't think age should matter so much, whether the women is younger or not, it's about love. It's about how mature the guy is. Of course the stereotype has always been that the man always marries a younger woman, it's the "ideal" thing to do. Everyone always says I want this kind of guy or I want this kind of girl...but in the end you fall in love with whoever you're meant to be with. A lot of people fall in love with someone they never thought they would and they are truly shocked. Why should the women always be younger? Nowadays older women go out with younger men. So I think age shouldn't matter so much, just as long as they are with someone that is compatible with them.

    But that's just my opinion :)

  8. Hi Reem,

    I never knew this old title is still well read by many. Thank you for reading it. At the time of writing this story, I was only trying to encourage my friend's son to concentrate with his studies first. After all he still has a long way to get settle down in life. Mixes freely with more girls and he should understand woman better. Whether he marries a younger or older wife isn't important. Most important is, he has to love the woman truthfully. Love is blind. You are right. Thanks again for your comment.
