Friday, November 23, 2007

Difference between control & under control

Over a cup of coffee, together with two friends we were talking about bringing up children. Mohd Jamali brought up two interesting words; control and under control. I totally agreed with him, these are two different meaning of words and application.

Control sounds forceful with negative result. Whereas under control is to apply solution for a positive reasoning. If parents were to control children in bringing up them, children tend to turn rebellious and be frustrated in thought. On the other hand, if parents want the children to be under control, then the parents have to think of a better way to love and teach them right. Or if a man loves a woman by controlling her well being all the time, she might feel herself is being possessed. Controlling leads to selfishness and jealousy within both lovers. A love relationship that is under control is normally built on trust and understanding. Or a weak manager who controls his staffs might gain little result. Comparing an understanding manager who applies encouragement and motivation, his staffs surely would be under control eventually. Application of words and meaning are very important in life. Use them well and effectively, the outcome will have a tremendous impact on our lives.

Manju Puri said, "The differences between optimists and extreme optimists are remarkable, and suggests that over-optimism, like over-confidence, may in fact leads to behaviours that are unwise".


  1. I like the sentence of application of words and meanings are very important and very different. 'what you said and you meant' are entirely different also. I have experienced it which created lots of misunderstanding and arguement. Thank you so much for a wonderful tip of the day.......tataaaaaaaaaa...

  2. Hi Pris...

    Thanks for your comment. Read to understand and to apply. U will never go wrong later.
