Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My first encounter with a bi sexual.

The http://www.facebook.com/ is an interesting place to network and gather new virtual friends. Quite recently an oversea name was trying to befriend me. He posted with a young boy photo which I responded. This was the following written chat that was transpired between both of us.
Me: Are you truly that young?
Him: No! I am a bit older than that. Where are you Robert?
Me: I am still on Planet Earth. Have not flown out to the Space Station yet.
Him: Are you bi-sexual? Like woman and man too? ( I could not believe those words)
Me: I adore females. Without them, man will not survive. Thankful to God for creating Eve. I love those who are attractive and intelligent. Similarly I like smart gentleman who can think. May be like you!
Him: I can think but I also adore you. You want to talk to me or can I talk to u?
Me: This is my number xxxxxxxx.

Not long this young man really called on my mobile phone, an experience I had never in my life encountered. I really would not know exactly whether he is a he or a she. His voice was definitely a male who spoke softly and gently. I believe he was playing a role of a female when he spoke with me. He claimed after seeing my photo posted on the site, he loves me and wants to have sex with me. My portrait had attracted him with admiration. He was not shy in any way when he asked many of my personal details. Out of curiosity, I gave all that he wanted to know. Like my age, height, sexual needs, sexual strength and whether I like man or woman. According to him, he loves man who could excite and have sex with. The feeling is just like man for a woman.

Although I had spoken only two times with him, I began to learn something strange and new, which was never in my mind before. Certainly I was uncomfortable communicating with him but to learn and explore new territories, I took this challenge. Now I can sense that the world has many types of love relationship. To our normal way of thinking, we expect to love within a male and a female, but in actual fact love has got no boundary or obstacle. After all love is just the feeling and expression of our mind. To our society, he is termed to be at wrong or not normal to love another man, but to him it isn't wrong to love a man when his desire for male is greater. His thought and feeling are beyond his control and nobody could change that for him. Perhaps these are the unspoken and unwritten words of love from another dimension which most people don't see. I know this new friend would be calling me again and I hope to learn more from him/her.

Aristotle said, "Happiness depends upon ourselves."

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