Saturday, December 08, 2007

Daughter is better than son!

Fifty year ago, it was a bundle of joy to give birth to a boy. Not today any more coz daughters are more valuable as they have proven to be more caring and loving than sons.

One typical example was a classmate of mine. A Ceylonese father had four sons who all became doctors. Sons are important to the Ceylonese race. When all the sons got married, it was customary that the brides had to offer dowries to the grooms. They were lucky husbands who received handsome gains. Their father at that time was the most happiest and proudest man in town. Fifteen years ago, the father passed away. Before he left, I visited him at the hospital. These were the words I would never forget in my life. He said, "How I wish all my sons were daughters instead!"

I believe when one is dying, money or glory are not important any more. What he wanted was care and concern. He could not get the physical love from his sons. No doubt, the children could offer medical and financial support. But they did not have the time to love the dying father. If only he had one or four daughters, his death could be more peaceful. I face the same dilemma like this family coz I have three sons and no daughter. Am I too late to have one little daughter now? Any suggestion?

This is true. Spoken by Maria Robinson, "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."


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  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for reading my blog. Click onto the labels section under Knowledge or Wisdom and you might read more of your themes there. Hope to hear you soon again.

  3. It was extremely interesting for me to read that blog. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

  4. Don't stop posting such articles. I like to read stories like that. BTW add more pics :)

  5. Hi Anonymous,

    May i know u are a girl or boy married or single? Also.. which country you are from? Your information are important for me to write better.

    Thank you for reading my blog.
