Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lonesome can kill.

I had an efficient, trustworthy and responsible staff who did my errant work. It's sad he is no longer around because he passed away at the age of only 45. A client was surprised that he died so young and not married. I had known him for more than 25 years. Although his death was due to a heart attack but I believe lonesome was the main killer. He had never got a chance to fall in love and he died as a virgin, which was most unbelievable to the present society. Should he had a love with him, things could be different.

I received a mail from a gentleman who reminded me not to follow the footstep of this beloved staff. The phrase was well written; "7 Days makes one week. 7 days of sex makes one weak, but NO SEX in a week makes one sick. However, good SEX once a WEEK makes one SEEK! Have you had yours this week????" Is something that all healthy people have to consider. Please don't laugh or to think I am naughty cause these are true facts of life again. Including my dearest!!!!


  1. Loneliness can kill, but a miserable relationship is bad for your health too :)
    By the way, Happy New Year to you !

  2. Hi Vicky..

    Both are bad, but at least miserable relationship can still be mended with some understanding of life. Lonesome has nothing to look forward to. I am glad u commented again. Thank you. Looking forward to hear from you with The Happy New Year...

  3. “The longing for a destiny is nowhere stronger than in our romantic life. All too often forced to share our bed with those who cannot fathom our soul, can we not be forgiven if we believe ourselves fated to stumble one day upon the man or woman of our dreams? Can we not be excused a certain superstitious faith in a creature who will prove the solution to our relentless yearnings? And though our prayers may never be answered, though there may be no end to the dismal cycle of mutual incomprehension, if the heavens should come to take pity on us, then can we really be expected to attribute the encounter with this prince or princess to mere coincidence? Or can we not for once escape rational censure and read it as nothing other than an inevitable part of our romantic destiny?”

    ~ On Love, Alain de Botton, 1993.

  4. Hi Vicky..

    I am glad you like poetry. Especially this one written by Alan de Botton on Love. Beautifully done. I am sure u must be a romantic person as well. Thanks again.
