Monday, December 17, 2007

Selling life insurance is like preaching a religion.

In our life insurance industry, all companies highlight the important of sales. In order to increase the productivity of new business, incentives and challenges are always there to spur the agents to move. Recognition and awards are given to motivate everyone. Is sad today, nobody is excited to know about claims. Not like before, when I first started to sell life insurance 25 years ago, we were motivated to sell because we saw the real action of life insurance. We experienced and witnessed death and medical claims. There were many testimonials from our agencies that convinced us, the miracle of life insurance which saved lives and created hopes for the surviving families. Although the bread winners were dead, their children and wives still continue to live with dignities because of our products. We sold life insurance then with conviction and honour. Incentives and challenges were not important to us at all. We were selling like preaching a religion of hopes and promises.

Thanks to The Almighty Universe, although the present style of selling has changed to cater the present agencies, I still remain faithfully my old way of reaching and touching lives. Of course getting the new sales are nice and rewarding but to experience an actual claim which you could help is even more pleasurable. This year alone, I had two death claims made, many critical sickness covers paid and countless of medical & surgical honoured by my company.

Today itself, I was informed by my efficient secretary, who has being working for me for the past fifteen years, that one of our lady client's case was approved by the claims department. I had known this young lady client since she was a little girl, when her mother with my persuasion, took up a child saving plus medical cover seventeen years ago. Later she went abroad to study, got married and happily settled down. Three years ago, with respect earned, I advised her to effect another long term investment plus medical plan which she took up without hesitation. Three months ago, I was informed by her mother that her darling daughter was diagnosed with cancer. It was a sad story but the young lady was strong to go through the operation and currently under treatment. Upon knowing her claim was being approved, I called to inform her immediately. I could only hear her voice through the telephone but she sounded cheerful, happy and grateful. She said, "Uncle, thank you very much for your help and assistance. With this insurance money, I will definitely feel much more confidence to go on with my medical treatment. Although it is costly but now I can pay them without disturbing my parents. You brought me hope and peace. Thank you again uncle." I was overjoyed with tears to hear those words. It wasn't a new sale but rather an ending of a sale which had more sensational feeling than seeking for new one. My objectives in life is to see others happy and thankful, which I have found in my passion and love for selling life insurance. I am glad that I have achieved it with success.

I like this word HOPE quoted by Samuel Johnson,"Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords."


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