Wednesday, December 12, 2007

This is ONE negative we want!

In life is recommended to be always positive in outlook. Our mindset have to be positive. Start the morning with a positive smile and the day ends with a positive note. Be positive to close the sales and be positive to end the year with a positive closing. Expect a positive bonus from the company and be positive a better incentives next year. Court the girl with the positive approaches and be positive that she accepts. Have a positive accounts balance and the man will expect a positive marriage. Every one on earth is taught to be positive in one way or another. Nobody wants to be negative. But hold on! There is ONE and only ONE negative that we, all of us want. A negative result of our HIV blood test. If you do have a positive result of a HIV test, you will be the most unhappiest person in the world.

So, if you have been naughty lately and need to have a blood test done. Be positive that you will get the negative. But should your result is positive, still be positive that you don't get the negative or face the challenges of life positively. If you can, then truly you are a positive person.

A little poem;
Succeed in believing that you will not fail.
Use diligence and determination to set your sail.
When the weather is stormy and the waters are rough.
In the moment of peril the strong get tough.
Whenever life presses you down a bit.
Standup and shout, "I will not quit even if I had HIV."

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