Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't take things for granted.

I was away to China for quite awhile. Before I reached there, I was so eager to feel the cold. Not when I was there, I realised winter was not suitable for me. In fact, I felt sick due to the extreme cold and without proper heating facilities, I was having a tough time to adjust myself. During the period when I was recovering from my illness, I learned to appreciate life better. All the while, when I was in Malaysia, I took things for granted. We used to complain the weather was too hot or was too wet when it was raining. In fact, Malaysian are lucky because we have a constant temperature and climate for the whole year round. We have sunshine almost everyday and once awhile we have rain.

When was icy cold, getting up in the morning wasn't easy. Even going to toilet was scary because the coldest place was the bathroom. Especially in the early morning, going to urinate could be a torture. In Malaysia, I bathed two to three times a day. Shameful to say, when I was in China, I bathed once in three days. I must had smelled like a pig! Now I know why the perfume are so saleable during winter. I hated going out especially when the temperature dropped below zero. I had to wear five layers of clothing to keep warm. Walking was a bit clumpsy. Since I didn't sweat, urinating were quite frequent. With five layers of clothing, the calls of nature were not easy either. Luckily my bed was fitted with a heated mattress which offered the warm for a good sleep. I wondered whether the Chinese here preferred to make love more in winter or summer when it is hot. With such warm in a heated mattress, I would never want to make love here in winter.

Thanks God! I am back home in Malaysia, a place full of warm with people and envirolment. A multi racial nation with smiles all round. Sunshine is plentiful with everyday a wonderful day to look forward to. I could dress formal to work or as casual in short and t-shirt to my convenient. I could relax in coolness from the hill resorts nearby or to feel the breeze and warm of the sea. All within my reach at all times of the year. Food is available everywhere. They are cheap with varities. I can't be asking more, for I am from Malaysia, a land I called as Paradise. I no longer take things for granted, for Malaysia is blessed with all the good things available. You name it and we have it.

I know, "The most wonderful things in the world cannot be seen or touched but can be felt with our heart." I love my country.


  1. Hi Young Man!
    It is good to know you have self-realization ! Generally speaking,
    we always thought 'The Grass Opposite Is Always Greener'.

    Young Kat

  2. Hi young man...

    Mistakes are our teachers in life. We have to learn by making some mistakes.. thanks

  3. Yes, it is a good one for toastmaster speech!!! :-) thanks for sharing, I have idea now to prepare my number 6 speech!!!

  4. Hi Mee Yee...

    Thank you for reading my blog. Of all my titles, I wonder how you got this one written since last year.

  5. Hi Robert,

    I found your blog through a phrase "don't take for granted", then this article came out. I like it very much, even though it looks like a simple sharing, however you can express it such a way that I can feel with your experience, it brought back a lot of memories of my 5 years study in Australia.

    I looked at your other articles just now, found out that, the "don't take things for granted" article actually is nothing, you have so much more to share. I found that I can learn a lot from your blog, it helps me to reflect on my current life journey that I found it very challenging now. I tell myself that no matter how challenging the events that I face now, they will make me a stronger person. But you know, like what you written in one of your article, the little devil seems to win over us sometimes, I have been trying very hard to remind myself to think positive all the time, just that ... Anyway, I will keep on coming back for the articles that you post, they will become my vitamins :-) Very happy to know you and thank you for the sharing, they have make my day :-)

  6. Hi Mee Yee...

    For whatever happened, there must be a reason. The purpose of me creating this blog, is to share my experiences and hopefully would enlighten someone out there. Happiness is to help another to succeed in life and trying to make others happier. I am glad, you had learned something from here. Thank you for reading my blog. Would like to see you more often. Ok?

  7. Hi Robert,

    Sure, will come back here more often to learn from the wisdom man :-)

    Cheers, MY

  8. Thanks for sharing your story.

  9. Hi Norac,

    Thanks for coming by and read my blog. Hope to see you more often.

  10. Genial brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

  11. Hi anonymous 2 Feb,

    I am glad my information could assist. Please come again.

  12. Well I assent to but I contemplate the post should prepare more info then it has.

  13. Hi Anonymous 8 Feb,

    Sorry! I am only an amateur writer, working as a full time life insurance agent and part-time blogger in the late nite. Will try to improve if you could give more comments and suggestion.

    Thank you for reading my blog.

  14. Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

  15. Hi Anonymous 13 Feb,

    Thank you for reading my blog.

  16. Great writing! I want to see a follow up to this topic!?

  17. Hi Anonymous 11 Dec,

    Thank you for reading my blog.
