Monday, February 25, 2008

How men see the beauty of woman.

There are many ways man see the beauty of woman. Some would look at the facial first. Her eyes, noise and mouth. Does she has the sexy eyes or with a kissing lip? I was told thicker lips kiss better. Is her face rounded? Some prefer to stare at the hip next to the buttock. A tight hip with a eight curve dimension is very appealing to man's eyes. Small buttock tends to have smaller breasts. Some men like small buttock but many like bigger one. Breasts are the main spot which are most greatly admired. Within men, we classified breast into few types. Are they the lime, orange, mango, papaya or coconut breast. Different males like different fruits. Of course, the neck, shoulder, hands and legs are equally important. Next is the way she combs her hair, or how she dresses herself or even the way she walks can capture attention.

For the ladies, please don't be angry with us because females are created for men to admire and to appreciate. Without your external beauty, perhaps the world is less exciting. However as far as I am concerned, the external beauty of a woman is only temporary for no one is able to stop aging in the process.

I told my sweetheart how I see her; "The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

For those who read here, "Learn to love people and use things. Not to love things and use people."


  1. tq so much 4 ur advise...

  2. Hello Sayang ida,

    I am glad u listened to my advices. Remember the old needs the young & the young also needs the old. Best of luck to you.

  3. great great words!thank u a lot!!!!!!u make my heart smile:)


  4. Hi V....

    Keep smiling more, especially when men are staring at you.Can't blame them coz they are actually appreciating your beauty. Thanks again.
