Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Introvert versus Extrovert

I have known two closed lady friends. One is an introverted person and the other is an extrovert. Both are divorcees having to take care of their growing teenage children and have to work in order to support their families.

Miss I being an introverted lady doesn't seem to show her true love. Each time she goes home, she would yell and scold her children whenever they are not studying. But I know well, she loves her children. Just that her love is inward and doesn't shown outwardly. On checking the definition of these interesting words, 'Introvert & Extrovert', I gathered more meaning on them.

Meaning of introvert is direct inward and to concentrate upon oneself. A personality trait characterized by a tendency to be preoccupied with oneself, to be shy, cautious, and to inwardly reflective. A person who is more interested in his or her ownself than in other person. In short a introverted person is more selfish in nature.

Miss E being an extroverted lady is caring and loving. She treats her children like her darlings. They hug and kiss each other as often as possible. Her words are full of love, encouragement and advices. Her daughter could even sleep naked with her mum. Something most women can't do!

Meaning of extrovert is a social person. A personality type characterized by individuals being socially co-operative and liking others. Extroverts are generally outwardly expressive, active, and readily engage in social activities. Extroverts are prone to action than comtemplation, make friends readily, adjust easily to social situations, and generally show warm interest in their surrounding. In brief - one who is interested in other people and things rather than just in one's own thought and feelings.

I hope Miss I is aware of her weaknesses and could attempt to change her character. Otherwise, her children might grow to be like her in future. Even at the moment, her children are not friendly but rather more hostile toward strangers. Whereas Miss E children are friendly and loving to whoever they meet. As far as Miss E is concerned, I have to congratulate her. Please keep your character and personality, for they will never fail you in life.

"Happiness depends upon achievement of personality significant goals and leading a balanced life" - Michael from Worcestershire England.


  1. I think you are extremely misguided. Most extroverts are very needy people, unable to spend any time alone, disregarding their family and or their job in the pursuit of making themselves happy. If this isn't selfish to the extreme, I don't know what is. Needy, Needy people.

  2. Anonymous...

    Perhaps you right, coz it takes all types of people to make this world. Thanks for your comments.

  3. I know this is your opinion, and I do respect it:-) but like everyone else lol I have my own and thought I would share it. As being an introvert all my life I find some untrue remarks on the introverted personality. An it does have an awful stigma to it.
    Which cause someone is yelling at their kids, doesn't always play in introvert nor extrovert. I have seen both personalities be nice to kids and not so nice. Granted introvert, is toward oneself, but that doesn't always mean selfish. For instance..Introverts are known to think before they talk or think before acting, while Extroverts tend to talk before thinking or acting before thinking. I like to think things out sometimes due to the fact I don't want to offend/hurt someone else's feelings or don't want my action to hurt someone else. That isn't selfish. Talking and acting, (granted not always) before thinking can cause hurt to others. I think there are selfish introverts as well selfish extroverts. As there are giving/caring introverts and giving/caring extroverts. As the yelling woman, granted she might be introverted, but she could be unhappy or have anger issues that don't stem from being introverted. Human beings are complex.. :-) I know I am introverted but can have extroverted tendencies (after working on it! but still get recharged by being by myself then say going to a party)
    Which introverts are pointed out to be the "bad seeds" to say, but honestly what would the world be like if there was just one type..rather it be extrovert or introverts. In the work place extroverts would hate doing what introverts thrive on and the same for introverts doing the jobs extroverts thrive on. There is a good balance having both, and neither should be ashamed for who they are, granted extroverts tend to be praised while introverts frowned upon in this world. Each has their good and bad points, we are humans after all:-)
    Sorry for the ramble novel, a bit passionate on the subject!

  4. Hi Angelmuzic..

    Nice of you to read my blog seriously and willing to share your truthful comment on your experiences. In fact, on this particular topic it is most well read almost everyday..quite a hit. True! Everyone lives differently. We need to have the Bad & Good in life to make our world.
    Wld appreciate, if cld also read these titles, 'Bad for good in life' dated June 30 2007 and 'Darn to explore our dark side of ourselves' dated Jan 29 2008 to seek your comments too. Thanks again so much...

  5. Are you kidding? I would expect an extrovert to yell at their kids faster than in introvert. Extroverts do a lot of yelling. Your blog is so ignorant. Please look up the correct definition of introvert and extrovert before you define one as bad and the other as good. Also please don't describe your thoughts as wisdom if they are based on ignorance. Also if you have time, please apologize for this blog.

  6. I don't believe this - I'm an introvert, and I NEVER yell at my kids. They've both told me I'm WAY calmer than their friends' parents. My extrovert husband isn't even aware of his tone of voice and doesn't even realize when he's yelling. You can't make blanket statements - temper and introversion/extroversion are not necessarily related.

  7. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for the encouragement and comment. I will try.

  9. You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

  10. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks once again for your suggestion. I will attempt on it.

  11. I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

  12. Hi Anonymous 25 Aug,

    Thank you for reading my blog.
