Monday, February 04, 2008

Our children's warm is greater than any severe cold winter.

For the past 50 over years, I had celebrated my Chinese New Year in my own home. Not now any longer as my children have grown. Last year was my first new year celebration away from home with one of my son who is staying in the southern hemisphere. Another son who resides in the northern hemisphere, China where I will be going today. Taking the first available flight, I should be seeing my son by this evening. No doubts we know that China is currently facing a very heavy snow storm, with severe cold, it will not deter me from going. The weather is cold but I believe the bonding of father and son relationship is warmer.

As I am preparing to leave for the airport, I linger over the thought of how time had passed. From being a little child myself, to getting marry and raising my own family. When my children were young, they would be around with me, making sure that I had to give them my ang pow. The reunion dinner or the eve of the celebration, would always be gathered together with my family. We would eat and drink the whole night until like no end of the day. However things have changed now, as the children have grown to be independence. They have their own families and are in different places of the world.

Wondering!!! Was it when they were young, I was happier or is it now when they are adults? Anyway to me happiness is only a feeling of mind. So I have to feel for the past, appreciate the present and expect the best for the future to be happy all the time. As long as I live, all my sons are considered as babies to me. Immaterial of how old or young they are. As father to them, I talk with the cane and as friends, we mix like we are buddies.

Great China, here I come.

Something I learned from life; "Happiness is a state of the mind. The dictionary difinition is 'feeling of joy and pleasure mingled together'. A feeling of happiness is more than just an experience of joy or pleasure. It is a state of mind where the individual feels that life is good."

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