Friday, February 15, 2008

To love and be loved.

I received this Valentine phrase, "To love and be loved is the greatest gift of all" - written by Henri Toulouse.

Yes! All human being need to love and be loved, but the fact is not all know how to love and to receive love. Some are willing to give love but not all are prepared to return love. Selfishness is the reason for holding back love. Between man and woman, man has to make the first move to love the woman. To have a true gentleman to love a woman is not easy coz most men have their personal motives. On the other hand, a man with his true love for his lady might not be accepted either. That lady might have high expectation when the man could fail to love his lady. It needs both hands to clap and both to tango.

In the course of my life, I had seen many lovers who had experienced many unhappiness due to love. They taught they were in love but later they realised they were not, when there were too many complication and misunderstanding. All of us in life have to make mistakes, including love's mistakes. So, if we failed in one or more loves, don't be afraid to love and be loved again.

To the man, be a hero to love the woman you love. To the woman, be kind and accepts his love. For what Henri Toulouse said, "To love and be loved is the greatest gift of all." I hope the sender who sent this text, knows what the meaning are all about.

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