Saturday, March 08, 2008

Brave & outspoken.

Thank you to one of my keen blog reader, Young Kat for offering me her sincere compliment as I have bravery and being so outspoken. I really do not know whether I am brave but I know I speak my mind all the time. I wrote what I saw and felt in mind and heart on my past experiences and the present. I don't just write to please most people ears for I know good things might not be necessary good. I live for myself and I am not afraid of how others judge me, as long as I have principle and integrity in living. My belief, "The one who is honest and has a true heart will always feel light and tension free."

Perhaps at my age, I am qualified to be naughty and cheeky. Most older foes might like to behave like me, but for sure I know they are afraid for reasons they only know themselves. Outwardly they said I am not behaving as a man but in the heart they do admire me for my bravery. They admire my youthfulness, charisma, attraction and success quietly.

I wrote meaningful articles to benefit those who read them but I also wrote the unwritten for laughter and learning. As I was telling Young Kat, the world needs the good and bad to live together. Without the bad, the good cannot survive by itself. Is important to know the good and bad part of life, so that we understand the world better. You are totally right, Young Kat, I am outspoken. To be outspoken, I have confidence and courage. In turn, I earn the trust from people I deal with all these years. Without trust, I won't have survived 40 years in my selling career.

Young Kat, you don't have to feel sorry for being so straight forward with your comments. In fact, you had not at any time made me feel uncomfortable at all. You might look beautiful with your lips closed, but I rather like to see your frank and brave heart more. Thanks again for your support.

My strong belief; "Face the future with a daring heart."


  1. Hi Young Man!
    I am happy to know that by giving a comment, I am actually learning
    self-improvement and sharing from a different point of view. Thanks
    again for the encouragement.
    From Young Kat.

  2. Hi Young man..

    The one person who benefited most from my blog is the one who wrote them every day. I think you know my meaning.

  3. Hi Young Man!
    Yes I do understand. One who knows how to appreciate and value life is a happy person.
    From: Young Kat

  4. Hi Young Kat..

    I am glad to have such mature and most understanding admirer like you. We speak the same language of love.

  5. Hi Young Man!
    Thank you for the compliment!
    From: Young Kat
