Friday, March 14, 2008

Do u pamper yourself with holidays?

'All work & no play, makes Jack a dull boy', this was what we knew when we were kids. Perhaps this is also applicable to adults or even myself. Tomorrow I am taking a break, pampering myself to a short holiday afar. I love spa and massage. Later may be go for some crazy shopping. Not so particular with food but wine has to be included. If ever I could get a sweet young thing to accompany me for the dinner with music to seranade the night, that will be the most beautiful feeling for me. I am sure I will enchant one lucky lady along the way. Hopefully the trip would bring more thought and inspiration. I believe the holiday is good for rejuvenating our mind and heart. Live a balance life coz life isn't just money and work.

The definition of happiness by Gelett Burgess; "There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lie happiness."


  1. Hi Young Man!

    U must thank God for blessing u with Good Health, A pocket full of
    Wealth and Opportunities to be
    Naughty & Young. I am sure most
    of your readers do like to pamper themselves with holidays but they don't have the opportunity.
    May God Bless You Always!

    From : Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Kat...

    U are right, I have to be thankful to the Almight for blessing me with Good Health and a little wealth. Most important He Blessed me with good friends and admirers like you. Can't be complaining any more. Time to give rather than to receive.

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