Friday, March 21, 2008

Life Insurance in action.

Although it was a public holiday today, I was too eager to meet up with Ihsan. Ihsan is only 21 years old who has to shoulder the family responsibilities. Since his father death last year, and being an Indian Muslim, Ihsan still pursuing his degree, has to take over as head of the family. His mother is a typical Indian house wife with a younger daughter of six to care at home. The family has a growing supermarket business not too far away from their house. With nobody to assist, the young Ihsan has to manage the family business at this studying age.

His father had been my client for many years and I had seen the family grown. With a lot of respect earned through the years, Ihsan took me as a family member. Periodically I would check on him to see whether he is on track in personal and in business. I was amazed how he lives and works through the day. He has to get up at 6 in the early morning. Go to the shop even before any staff turns up to work. He spends two hours there to verify various matters from the previous day sales. By about 10.30 am he has to be at his college. He finishes his study in the late evening, when he has to return to his shop again. His homework has to be attended plus his business affair is endless. I really admired the determination and strength of this young man who has to think of so much at this innocent age.

As a life insurance agent to him currently, I took the challenge to make sure Ihsan would be guided properly in life. From time to time, I shared with him the facts of life which most youngster of his age would not be bother to listen. I motivated him the drive to sustain and continue his studies. I advised him the right way to handle business like an adult. I enlightened him with love to be shower to his sister and mother. I am not just an agent, I am his best friend for life who is preaching the religion of love and fate. I am confident, Ihsan will be successful in all his endeavours. Coz I had promised him that I will always be there, whenever he wants my support and assistance.

Ihsan has also his personal blog which can be sited at

Leo F. Buscaglia wrote; "Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love, you will find that you are left holding only yourself."

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