Friday, March 28, 2008

The three layers of our heart where trust is built.

A young agent asked me this question, "Mr Foo, I noticed most people trust you. They almost believe whatever you said. How do you earn your trust?"

In order to make things simpler to the young man, I explained, 'Trust is earned through the heart'. If you could not reach the heart of a person, most likely he would not believe your words. Outside of the heart is doubt, suspicious and uncertainties. The inner heart has three layers of emotion. If you only reach the first layer of it, you earn the respect of your listener. At least he is willingly to talk with you with an opened mind. With more skill, when you could reach the second layer, not only you earn his respect but he begins to like you more. Add more sincerity to the heart, not only you have respect and be a likable person, you will also earn the full total trust. Whatever you said, he will definitely believe. The logic is heart can touch another heart.

If you have intention to succeed in the selling world, understand the heart to heart selling. Those who sell for the sake of selling, will never reach and touch the third layer of the heart. Coz touching the deepest layer of it, requires a lot of patience, tolerance, sincerity and kindness. Those who have the true love of a heart, make a better successful salesperson, no matter what you sell on earth. The reason is, you are trusted in every way of a person.

For those who are interested in falling in love, are you capable to touch the heart of your woman. If the lady could not even remember your name, I am sure you have not reached her heart yet. Can't blame her for she has doubts over you, because you are actually outside her heart where suspicious and uncertainties still lies. If you could make her to address by your name, then you rest assured you have earned the respect from her. Meaning, you have reached the first layer of her heart. Allow yourself more time and effort plus genuine care and concern, she might later call you as 'dear' or 'handsome'. At this stage, you have arrived the second layer of her heart. You are definitely a likable person to her now. She appreciates your friendship and she enjoys your accompany. If you are prepared to shower her with your true heart with pure love and passion, she will be melted to call you sweetheart then. For you have finally touched her deepest point of the heart. You have earned the fullest trust in her. She is prepared to sail along with you, as long as you can maintain this stage of penetration.

Just one reminder. You can attempt to reach and touch a heart to earn the trust, but make sure you don't pierce through it. Coz when that happened, it could be very disastrous and painful with blood to smear the wounded heart. From trust it will be converted to hate and sorrow for all parties concerned. These are all true facts of life.

I like to remind the one I love, "Intense love does not measure, it just gives." -Mother Teresa.


  1. Hi Young Man!
    Ha! Ha! Good Advices you are sharing with us. Thank You.
    From Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Man!
    Yes, cos I understand the heart to
    heart feeling when applied to business or when building a friendship.
    It is just like putting your legs
    into the shoes of the other person.
    Then you know the exact feelings of others and act accordingly.
    Am I right?
    From: Young Kat

  3. Hi Young Kat...

    Marvellous! You seemed to see through my heart and understand my mind as well. You have taken the three layers of my heart. Your level of wisdom is refine and profound. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. Is almost God sent. Thank you for such wonderful comments.
