Sunday, April 06, 2008

Don't trust your aging eyes to feel young.

When you are above 60 at age, to stay young isn't easy. In the first place, you have to be brave to be young. What the young does, you have to behave similar. Not only your mind has to feel like them, preferably dress like them if you could. However don't let your eyes to deceive your look. Meaning, if you are 60 or above, you might feel young but your sight and senses are still be thinking old. I did not believe this logic, until I went to purchase clothing with a young darling to test my sight and senses. At the men store, I selected a range of pants and shirts according to my liking in colour and style. I thought I had felt to be young to pick these selection. I asked the sweet young darling, "Dear, if you buy these clothing for your brother who is around 37 of age. Would you think he likes them?" She shook her head, "Definitely not darling! The colour and styles are too old for him." I was taken a back. Out of curiosity I requested her to pick and select the best for him instead. Beyond my imagination, she selected a good range which I could never pick. The reason was, my mind would never be able to sight and sense the feeling of the young. Finally I decided to take the courage to buy those she had selected. And I am wearing them now. I am glad that I certainly look younger than my real age, especially with the new look of the dressing. In fact, I had borrowed her younger mind, sight and senses to feel young.

Moral of the story. The old has the wisdom of life but he still needs the young to remind him to feel young again. Then his wisdom could last a longer journey in life.

"Once you choose hope, anythings' possible" - Christopher Reeve.


  1. Hi Young Man!
    Difficulties mastered are opportunities won
    He who has hope has everything
    Happy is the man that finds wisdom!
    From Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Man!
    Difficulties mastered are opportunities won
    He who has hope has everything
    Happy is the man that finds wisdom!
    From Young Kat

  3. Hi Young Kat...

    I really love this comment. With your permission, I will use this phrase for my tomorrow invited talk at Subang. Thanks for sharing again.
