Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to be happy and interesting.

Many friends asked me, how to be happy and be an interesting person all the time. In simple language I told them; 'Sow Happiness you will get joy' but ' When you sow hate, anger and frustration will follow you.' On the other hand, when you do nothing, loneliness and boredom will also affect you. Happiness comes when you make others happier. You become interesting when you start to be creative with others.

I start my day by making my friends happy. I really mean everyday. The easier way is to wish those who are celebrating their birthdays. The cheapest and fastest method is through sending an early morning text message over the mobile phone. I tried to make all my messages interesting, meaningful and cheerful to read.

This morning I sent two wishes to a man and a lady. To the gentleman I wrote, "Specially to this friend, Mohd Taha I respected so much. Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction & skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. You represent that person of high quality. Happy Birthday."

To the lady friend I wrote, "Specially to this admirable lady, Nor Elizabeth. The beauty of a woman is seen through her heart where love do have my dear. Happy Birthday to you today."

The magic of love is, when I am sincere in giving, my heart always feels happy, knowing my friends know I do care and think of them. This is what I called Happiness is to make others happy because of ourselves.

The following were some of the interesting messages I received, which also stimulated my mind and heart. "Good morning sweetheart...pls do well darling & have a beautiful day. See u soon. I love you."
Next; "Oh my may take u a lot of time till u find a an extinct breed. Take me. Hehe!!"
Next; "Grrrrrrr can't get u..what are doing with your mobile phone?"
Next; "I love you pls take care of yourself..SLEEP EARLY... mmmmmmmhh..:-D."
Next; "We too are lucky to have friends like you. Thanks again."
Next; "darrrrrlinggggGGG.."
Next; "Dear sir, we really appreciated your insights and your passion to share life perspectives."
Next; "M not sure we have the same wave length but I know we speak the same lingo. M not sure we have the same feather but we had breast rubbing. M not sure we swim together but we had dry swimming. U are my sunshine and m your rainbow."

I had given abundance of happiness to those I met. I tried to be as creative as to make myself interesting for others. I never failed to inject humour in all my interacting. In return, I was given joy, excitement and plenty of laughter. Love truly has the magic of power to feel nice. Just that, don't wait for happiness to come. Go for them! You want to have an interesting day, make it creative and exciting yourself first. Try and you will see the unbelievable of yourself.

Food for thought - "A kiss makes the heart young again & wipes out the years."


  1. Hi Young Man!
    You are an excellent motivator!
    Do the readers of this blog agree?

    Those who practice the contents of
    this blog will be a happy &
    interesting, lovable & have a good
    affinity with whoever they meet.

    Thank you for sharing with us.
    From Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Kat..

    When one speaks with his heart,that is where the power of love will come.

    MmmmmmmMMM!! I love you.

  3. Darling Robert,

    I ageed with Young Kat. You are undeed an excellent motivator!

    I really admire your talent and I never missed reading your blog everday! It's like I've been addicted to your blog and no matter how busy I am, I will sacrifice some time to read it.

    I hope you will continue writing till the end of your life and I promise to read it everyday as long as I'm still alive!

    Your most sincere admirer,

  4. Hi Jenny Lee,

    That was a wonderful peace of comment....u really touch me so much. Looks like I have to continue writing until the end of my life amd u make sure reading them all the time. I am glad you come back on my blog again. Thanks so much.
