Friday, April 25, 2008

The magical formula of selling life insurance.

Few young life insurance agents came to seek my advices. They wanted to know the secret formula and magical charm to succeed in selling life insurance. I told them to put 'LOVE' in their business because love has magic. They were confused and did not understand my simple English.

I insisted that they should write the meaning of love on paper. What is love? "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not easily self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

They might be knowledgeable in the products and understand the rules and regulations of selling life insurance, but without love, it would be difficult to maintain and last in this challenging career. Love is just a four letters word but not many understand the real meaning of it. If an agent truly understands and applies the beauty of love, magic would definitely appear his way.

Life insurance selling needs patience and tolerance. Especially when an agent is new in the trade. He has to learn all aspects of selling. He has to face the unknown and to accept rejection. Mistakes are unavoidable along the way. An agent with love will have patience to overcome this hardship. The more patience he has, the more he will be respected by his clients.

A kind hearted agent sells with care and concern. He is like an angel who gives the best attention to his clients without complain. He will be too happy to assist and to provide the necessary with good intention plus sincere smiles added. He works humbly and serves willingly. He doesn't boast of his sales and achievement. He isn't rude in behaviour but rather sweet and nice in all his doings. He always serves to the best of interest for his clients first without self seeking for himself. In any messy and difficult situation, he is calm and polite to solve problem, and not easily angered to the surrounding. In any wrong doing by others, he would forgive and forget. He will never criticise and complain his peers, agency manager, company or the industry. The journey might be tough but he always has high hopes and dreams of the future. With plenty of perseverance and hard work, he will never fail to attain success.

I will address these as to put 'love' onto the business of selling life insurance. This is my magical formula coz I believe LOVE has miracle when one professes on it truthfully and sincerely.

Food For The Heart - "It is the nature of the ego to take, and the nature of the spirit to share."

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