Monday, April 28, 2008

Successful man is good in business and likes women too.

I had a friendly chat with a friend, Teh who had retired from his previous job turned to be a working advertising partner. We were joking about his ex boss who is the Chairman of a private company. The boss is a successful and prominent business man very well known locally and internationally. He has power, fame and wealthy. I believe he could be in his mid seventies but still handsome, physically strong and active in his business. Is a known fact in town, this great philanthropist is also a great romeo. He has countless attractive young ladies who admire him. Teh was saying that successful people have the charm for women. I added to his statement, not only is the charm but the man has got to have courage first.

I believe any man who has the courage of the mind and heart, usually is smart and intelligence as well. If a man is smart and has little courage, he is not a risk taker then. On the hand, with courage and intelligence, most men tend to speak more confidently. With skills, talent, courage and intelligence, all men would do well in any things or ventures. Be it in business or to look for loves. To do well in the business world, personal confidence is needed. To win over any woman, equally the man needs confidence. You can't do away with them! Business requires courage, effective speaking, risks taking, smart planning and creative thinking. Similarly to court a woman you love, the same approaches and skills are needed too. Very seldom, I could see a successful man who isn't interested in woman.

If another man who degrades or gossips a successful man in having many beautiful women, I think something is wrong with him. Either he is young, immature or does not understand the true facts of life. Instead, I think he is actually jealous over the success of the other person. Coz to have many lady admirers, a man needs to have all the qualities of success. I am sure, for the man who criticizes, he too is interested to have many woman admirers. The fact is, he has no courage, no smartness, no intelligence and no money in his pocket to be successful. Whether is right or wrong, the truth is actually in our heart.

As far as Teh and myself, we look highly upon on his ex boss for the guts and success in him. He is truly a man who works hard and know how to appreciate the best part of life. He is not bother on how people look at him from the outside. At this golden age, many would have gone or retire but he is still very lively in all his doing. I salute on his success, business and women.

Spoken by Adolpher Hitler - "If you win, you need not explain - but if you lose you should not be there to explain."


  1. Hi Young Man !
    I would like to share the wisdom of life experience with you:-

    Life blossom like a flower at 70
    It is not strange to live till 80
    Life is great & fine at 90
    Have a happy smile when you are 100

    At 60 you are a young man (Robert)
    At 50 you are is like a child
    At 40 is like a baby in a cradle
    At 30 just a new born baby

    From Young Kat

  2. Hi Young kat...

    Your poem really makes my day.
    You could almost see through my mind.
    Your heart could sense my beat.
    You are totally right.
    I am just a young man who is still growing up.
