Friday, April 11, 2008

The Wisdom life of a man at 76.

While exercising at our gym in the club today, I noticed there was a new member with us. What attracted me most was this particular member was definitely much older than me. I am one of the most oldest member who still patronised the gym at the moment. Not when I first joined the club eighteen years ago, when there were many who were older than me then. As through the years, the senior members disappeared for reasons like giving up exercising, left for another world unknown to us yet, ill health or joined another clubs. I stand tall among the present membership now because I am still a regular here. Much older! No, should be I am still growing up, with full of humour, determination and willing to assist new members who are not comfortable with us yet. With opened arms, I greeted this senior veteran together with a warm handshake. I didn't take long to make this new comer to feel comfortable. He is a retiree aged 76 with super physical fitness. With his present, I told him he is going to be my inspirator and mentor from now onwards. I was actually looking for someone to show me the way to live pass the age of 75. Those who are around, are not qualified because they are much younger than me. Those who are older, are also not fit to advise me because of health reason. In fact, I am the one who is motivating others at the moment. Perhaps God has answer my prayer. HE sent him here to inspire me and to acknowledge that we can live a long healthy life. Just that we must know how to take care of our mind and physical.

Not many men of 60 and above could exercise regularly in a gym. One that runs regularly to control his cardiovascular and on weight to strengthen muscle. To have this senior veteran of 76 to be around in our club is a blessing. I got to know his name as Senior Yap. Without hesitation I asked him the secret of health and longevity of life.

The following are what Senior Yap advised. Live simple and be contented with what you have. Never compare with others but be yourself. Never stop exercising. Laugh as much as you can. After all laughing is free. Mix with friends who have understanding and humour, like Robert Foo. Expects a little and if you can, give a lot. Have fun and be naughty if you still have the desire.
I did not catch his meaning here. I asked, "Are you still interested in sex?" He was not shy at all. With confidence he replied, "Yes! Without sex, I think life is meaningless."

A power phrase from Zarina,"To love without condition. To talk without intention. To give without reason. And to care without expectation."

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