Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rich and humble.

Kabeer is an old friend for more than 30 years. A successful publisher and a self made person who carries warm wherever he goes. As a likable man who often shared his knowledge and wisdom, I love talking to him. This afternoon we had a short chat together, when I learned some valuable insights from him.

As a devoted Muslim, whenever he prays, he seeks the blessing from The Almighty. He asks for this special request, "When I am rich, I must be more humble than today & everyday." According to him, money is the root of most evils, when money makes one to be arrogance without one realising. When one is poor, one could be kind and simple. Not when one is rich and has gained power, the same person could turn different. Humbleness is the greatest divine offering to the world. It is easy spoken but always difficult to achieve. I am so glad to have known this great simple friend, Kabeer, rich and successful and yet so humble in character. He melts those who could reach up to him. His final advice, "I must help people without people asking." This kindness of heart is almost not possible in most normal people. If you are, I believe you could have reached the highest level of enlightenment. Truly your heart and mind would definitely be happy and blissful in nature. Thank you my friend, for sharing the simple ways of life.

Food for thought - "Our true wealth is the good we do in this world. None of us has faith unless we desire for our neighbours what we desire for ourselves" - Muhammed.


  1. Hi Young Man!
    I would like to share a few points on heart cultivation & mind cultivation.

    Heart cultivation is changing our
    bad habits & temper and up-grading our character which refers to our
    emotions and desires.

    Mind Cultivation is to be aware of
    purity of mind in whatever we do,
    meanig the awareness of our conscience which is spontaneous in our action.

    Congratulations to your friend, Kabeer for practising Heart & Mind
    Cultivation !!!

    God helps those who help themselves!

    Oh Blog-readers, do give a thought to Heart & Mind Cultivation cos you can be successful in all your undertakings as proven by our friends, Kabeer & Robert !!!!

    From Young Kat

  2. There are no words that can ever be used by me to express my thanks for beloved Kabeer Uncle and his family.

    He and his family is a great example of kind hearted people.

    When my late father was in hospital for 2 months, without failing he will come and meet my dad. He is a VERY humble person, I learnt lot from him. He will kindly approach every patient beside my dad's bed.

    The same goes to his wife and childrens. On the first day my dad was admitted in ICU, his eldest son Jamil, stayed the whole night waiting in front of the restricted ICU ward. He told me, "go and take a good rest, I'm here. No worries!"....

    Therefore, he has been a PERFECT EXAMPLE for his family and the community surrounding him.

    Btw, Young Kat... I've been learning lots of stuffs from you. Thanks!

    Mr. Foo, I'm VERY happy that people like Kabeer Uncle and you are there to always guide the younger generation like me.

    Thank you VERY much.

  3. Hi Young Kat & Ihsan,

    Thank you for your comments and sharings.

  4. Nice and touching story from Mr Mohamed Ihsan.

    I really feel happy to know that such kind hearted people still exist in this world. LONG LIFE MR KABEER & HIS FAMILY!

    We need more such people with Heart & Mind Cultivation in this world (as mentioned by Young Kat).

    From : Jenny Lee

  5. Hi Jenny Lee.. I am glad my readers shared their experiences to benefit every one..including you and myself. Keep reading...

  6. Hi Young Man, Ihsan & Jenny Lee!

    I'm happy to know that Ihsan & Jenny have been improving themselves by reading our Young Man's blog.

    Although we do not know each other,
    there is no harm for us to share and learn from each other. It is good for us, readers to share and share just like a friend in need.

    While we are improving ourselves, we care for those around us by sharing with our contributions.

    With sincere thanks to our Young Man's sharings and his motivation
    gets all his blog readers start seeking for the wisdom of life.

    I love all of you !!!

    From Young Kat

  7. Hi Young Kat...

    I am sure Ihsan & Jenny Lee would appreciate your contribution...including me. Thank you so much.

  8. Hi Young Kat,

    YES! I indeed apreciate your contributions.

    Thanks for accepting me as your fren and I love you all too!

