Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are you a fun person?

I was most impressed by this inspirational speaker, Mr Khoo Swee Chiow from Singapore. He believes in the "Impossible." He considered himself as a professional adventurer. His high-risk expeditions include: 1998 Climbed Mount Everest, 1999 reached South Pole, 2000 for 7 Summits, 2001 - Shishapangma without oxygen, 2002 reached North Pole, 2003 Cycling Singapore to Beijing, 2004 Swimming over Straits of Malacca, 2005 World's longest scuba dive, 2006 climb Mount Everest and 2007 World's Longest journey on skates from Vietnam to Singapore.

One important thing he had for achieving all the high-risks expeditions is 'FUN'. With fun, this adventurous man got all his courage and determination. In whatever things we do, without fun, most likely we would loose our enthusiasm and interest. He knew how to create fun out of all his expeditions. Fun is the factor in life. Otherwise I won't have been a salesperson for 40 years and still selling. I don't just sell products but rather I sold fun and laughter all the ways.

If only we know how to apply 'fun and laughter' in our lives, I am sure this world will be a better place to live. Don't be just parents to raise your children. Have fun and grow along with them. The fun will create better bonding and relationship within the family. Don't just work for the sake of working but be naughty to create some fun out of your work. You will be amazed, how fun could push you further than expected. If you are in a courtship, don't just be romantic and loving, have some courage to be playful and have some fun out of your relationship. I assure you, your love will go the extra miles.

Food for the thought - "Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energy vampires away."


  1. Hi my dear Robert~
    thanks for ur Fun..
    cuz u can make everyone Laugh^^
    smile and laugh more,it will keep the energy vampires away!!!
    fun is the factor in life and our love will go to the extra miles!!!!

  2. Hi my dear Cherry..

    You must had read many of my titles, I am glad you finally commented over this Fun. I am also happy that I could cheer you. Pls continue reading my blog. Have fun and always laugh if you can. Cheers.

  3. Robert dear,

    Not only I have fun reading your blog but I'm starting to have some loves feeling for you.

    Do I stand any chance?


  4. Hi Wild Cactus...

    You have a sensational name and I like it. I felt so honour that you have strong feeling for me. Would be nice, if you could tell me what I have that capture your feeling. Thank you.
