Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Daughter is sweeter.

Most typical Chinese always love to have son in the family. Including myself, especially when I became a young father 37 years ago. With so much of confidence, I was born with three sons, two married and one still having fun with his young life. However as I grew and became wiser, I observed daughter is better than son. Girls tend to be more caring and loving than boys. Girls are tender and sweet. Boys are rough and playful. Sons are more closer to the mother. Whereas daughters like father more. Now that two of my sons are married, they are more closer to their wives and their in laws. I felt they are married away, when they should be married inward to us. Not like the old days, when sons were responsible to the parents. Today, parents are responsible to the sons in most ways. Taking care of their well being, right up till they are married or further. Not the daughters. Today, I am so proud of my two daughter in laws, who still care for their parents. They make sure financially and physically, the parents are well supported. Not the sons who take things for granted. I regretted for not having daughter earlier in lives. I should have try harder!!

Although I don't have a daughter but out of my desperation, God sent me one recently. I have been knowing and watching a little darling who is only thirteen years young. She looks older than her age because she speaks well. She is sweet, intelligence, confidence and well manner. She loves reading. Given a chance to buy toys & games, she prefers books. She spends more time in the libraries or bookshops than in movies. Although she looks simple, she learns self defence, singing, dancing and music. Everyone in her family adores her because she is obedience and loving. All her credits she be given to her mother who had taught her right in the first place. With the permission from her mum, she allowed me to love her. Last Sunday, I bought her a little ring. I proposed to her, "My dear, can I be your God father? I promise to like and love you as my own daughter. To care and guide you. To make sure you are happy and joyful. To protect and be responsible to you in every way. To see you grow and be successful, will be my dream." She was shy and timid. With some encouragement from her mother, she replied, "Yes! I will be your God Daughter. Thank you God dad. I love you."

Those last few words were sensational. This bonding is like a gift to me. How true is this statement - "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen and even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

To my little darling, "Thank you for being my God daughter. I love you too."


  1. Hi Young Man!

    Nowadays people don't realise that
    they have two(2) Living Buddahs at home & they are our parents.

    From the time when we were babies
    until we are able to fend for ourselves have we ever thought of the following:-

    1) How many meals have our parents
    given us?
    2) We were given new clothes to
    wear for all seasons &
    occasions by our parents.
    3) At times, when we were sick,
    we gave them worries and
    4) They tried to give us the best
    of everything without our
    requests accordingly to
    their abilities & capacities.
    5) Their unconditional love and
    sacrifies are usually taken for

    What have we done in return?

    I hope all readers will treat their
    parents as Living Buddahs!
    Be Happy & Be Wise within the family!

    From: Young Kat

  2. Hi Young Kat...

    I too agreed...well said and well written...thank you.
