Friday, August 29, 2008

Life insurance is a perpetual need.

Someone asked when I am going to stop selling insurance. Sorry! I am not selling insurance but rather selling life insurance is a hobby to me. Talking is my interest and this hobby allows me to continue talking and communicating with the world as long as i remain here. Life insurance is a perpetual product. As long as there are lives or as long as human being still in existence, life insurance will be needed. Lives have uncertainties and are unpredictable. Nothing is certain but death is. And along the way before it happen, we have to face the challenges of ill health and accidents. As human being is created with emotion and feeling, love is part of our lives. So! As long as there is love in this world, the need for life insurance is there. You can't stop from dying but you could create a fund from life insurance to benefit the one you love most while you are alive. I will never trade my career for another product because i strongly believe life insurance is the most beautiful creation specially tailor for mankind. Thanks God! I am a life insurance agent.

Food for the thought - "I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It's there all the time" - Anna Freud.


  1. It's nice to see agents as passionate as you are. Keep spreading the word about the importance of life insurance.

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