Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Love her whole heartily.

While watching my little darling swam at the poolside, I had some fun chat with another interesting club member. He said, "To love a woman, you have to love her with the two holes." I was a bit puzzled, "I beg a pardon! I really don't understand that statement. Can you explain?" He continued, "To love a woman, you have to love her whole heartily for her hole."

His meaning was. To get her heart, you have to love her entire self. You have to understand what she likes and doesn't like. You have to love her whole family, as thought they are yours. You have to make her happy all the time. Making sure she isn't sad or sorrowful. You protect and let her feel secure with your present. Her problems are yours. Her needs and wants have to be taken care by you. You have to amuse and to humour her to laugh. Her time is more important than yours. You give her more priorities than others. What belongs to her are hers, but what are yours have to be shared with her. She can be the queen but you can't be the king. You can be the master of the house, but whenever she says also have to say no. Unless you can accept to love her whole heartily, you will never be able to get her hole. These are the true facts of life. For those ladies who read including my little darling, would you agree to it?

Food for the heart - "We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present" - Marianne Williamson.

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