Saturday, August 16, 2008

Touch the heart.

Something I learned today. The heart of man is felt greatly from his eyes. Whereas woman heart is touchable by words through the romantic mouth.

To make a man happy and excited, don't waste your time to explain in words. Simply show the beauty in front of him and he will melt his heart immediately. Not woman! Seeing isn't enough for them. They need to be complimented. They need assurance from words. Words of admiration and affection stimulate their tender heart. Man is easier to please. As long as the sighting is attractive and interesting, they will fall for the feminine charm. Woman is difficult to satisfy. You have to be patience and have tolerance with them. All your words have to be sweet and passionate. Allowing the flow of listening to touch their deep heart of acceptance.

I also had a chance to ask one loving couple who love each other very much. They claimed they have total trust and faith within themselves. However jealousy is still unavoidable in their emotion. Especially at time knowing the other partner is being admired or being courted upon by another opposite sex. Usually their jealousies are not revealed but kept in their subconscious mind. At their conscious mind, they behave normal to trust each other. I am puzzled here! As man is easy to be pleased but woman is not, yet when they are in love and are united, they could still be jealous and shy or too reluctance to reveal their hidden emotion of guilt. Is this pride of oneself? Can someone out there explain better than my confusion?

Food for the thought - "All healing is first a healing of the heart" - Carl Townsand


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