Friday, October 17, 2008

Faithful in my career.

I might not be the star of my company, neither am I the greatest producer or a multi million agency to boost about. However I can be proud to claim, I am faithful and loyal to the only one insurance company I represent ever since I started. During these twenty six years of selling life insurance, I have had seen my company grow from a small unknown setup to a much bigger establishment now. I had seen the up and down of our business. In between this period, I had countless opportunities to deviate into other lucrative business ventures. I was approached many times by other insurance companies to take up their tempting offer by joining them. As I am a man of principle, I was thought rightfully by my parents, "nothing is more important that faithfulness in life". They said, you need not be rich or smart, but faithfulness will always bring you joy and peace. Perhaps might not be true to others, because there are many agents and staffs who like to hop from one place to another. Most people see new pastures are always greener over the other side.

The purpose of me writing this particular title is to assure my friends, especially my valuable clients. No matter what happen, I will remain and be faithful to my company and loyal to my clients who have supported me this far in business. Money is useful but faithfulness is a character of a person with a right attitude. In the dictionary, faithful means having full of faith, worthy of trust or belief and reliable. I choose to be faithful in all my doing. Work and love. They come together for a person to be happy.

Food for the thought - "The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives - William James.


  1. Robert,
    i know you are a man faithful to your career, your little darling and your ownself.
    Keep it up!

  2. Hi anonymous...

    Looks like u know me well. Thank you for reading my blog..
